ICYMI – december 2020 workshop Highlights

PAONE + The Performers Mindset: The Artist’s Mindset | December 7, 8 & 9 @ 3:00PM-5:00PM | Online via Zoom

Workshop Series Recap:

On December 7, 8, and 9th, The Performer’s Mindset facilitated three online workshop sessions for our PAONE members over Zoom. The Performer’s Mindset is a group of Artists and Educators who provide professionals with tools to train their mindset, using methods rooted in science and sports psychology. Each workshop day delved a bit deeper into the work of mindset. There were discussions on how, as educators and those who support educators, we can work the most efficiently by utilizing scientific tools that allow us to recover quickly from stressful situations, therefore, honouring our work by taking care of ourselves first. 

Valuable takeaways included:

  • Day one: overall understanding of the concepts of mindset and how it differs from the “think positive” mentality.

  • Day two: examined tools to let go of stressful situations to move forward and do our best work. 

  • Day three: explored growth mindset vs fixed mindset. 


For more information about the Performer’s Mindset and what they do, please visit https://www.theperformersmindset.com