Top 4 Highlights from Come From Away
Pre-Show Reception: Mirvish Productions booked us an amazing reception space and provided top-notch refreshments! Attendees arrived early for a casual reception before the show.
Come From Away: Participants attended a sold-out matinee of Come From Away and the overall feedback was immensely positive.
Post-show School Q&A: Participants moved from the balcony down to the first few rows in the orchestra to observe a school group Q&A with members of the cast and creative team. The cast was generous with their time and answered questions about their own careers, the show rehearsal process, the set, the writing and creation process, etc.
Post-show discussion with Denise Anderson: The event concluded in a circle discussion (no one snapped a picture!) hearing from Denise Anderson, Mirvish Productions Student Outreach & Education Coordinator.
Denise commented on how lovely the Come From Away cast is and how it’s been easy to set up Q&A opportunities with them. She also mentioned the cast is creating their own outreach opportunities and they have a vision board to promote random acts of kindness (along the same theme of the show) as part of the #ComeFromKindness initiative.
Denise discussed the challenges with programming for schools in a multiple-venue, multiple-production format. Each show provides different opportunities and availability for schools.
Denise discussed outreach to schools including attendance at various conferences and hosting meetings for board coordinators and arts consultants.
Come from Away will be at the Elgin Theatre Feb 5 - June 30, 2019! We highly recommend it - tickets available HERE.
Sony Centre for the Performing Arts
Join us at for the next PAONE event hosted by TO Live! After attending Discover Dance , a free lunch-hour dance demonstration, PAONE members will have a group discussion about challenges, successes, and strategies regarding Community Engagement in the Arts.